Happy 2013!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's a NEW year, gals!

Christmas has come and gone and I just feel silly for writing a Holiday post, so I'll just skip that this year and tell you about NYE.

Emily's Bachelorette trip was so. much.fun.

We drove to Biloxi, had a little fun shower, ate some delicious food and then saw The Molly Ringwalds. 
80's cover band and so good! We danced and laughed so much. These girls are quickly becoming some of my closest friends!

We drove home the next day because yours truly had work today so I was exhausted but so glad that I had such a fun time for NYE. If you ever have a chance to see this band, do it!

Now for my recap of 2013. 
because i've slacked and not blogged about Christmas or anything, I chose a collage instead of month by month. So, here you go. One picture that represents a good memory of that month.

January- My 23rd Birthday February-Sweet Maddie was born and I got to love on her on Valentine's Day. March- Stanfield got married and is now Mrs. McGreger. April- Josh and Emily got engaged on the Ole Miss Football field and we got to be a BIG part of the proposal. May- I successfully completed my 1st year of teaching.  June- Beach Trip to Gulf Shores with the Cousins! :) July- Double Decker Festival in Oxford with some great friends! August- Started my 2nd year in First Grade. September- Football Games, galore! Hotty Toddy! October- Pumpkin Patch Shopping with Mama. November- Thanksgiving with family, Ole Miss winning the Egg Bowl, and some good Black Friday Shopping. December- Great memories with family and Emily's Bachelorette on NYE. 

2013.. it's going to be my year. I'm entirely too blessed and can't wait to see how my sweet savior is going to prove himself again this coming year.

Bible Study #1 last night. Good stuff!

What's your good things from last year? Please share.


  1. Love the collage idea. 12 months is a lot to recap right?! Love your enthusiasm for 2013!

  2. YAY for a new year! And I agree that your collage was the BEST idea. It took me a million years to write my recap post!

  3. Looks like you had a fun little girls trip! I saw the Molly Ringwalds in Starkville a few years ago; they certainly put on a fun concert!

  4. Looks like such a fun NYE! I hope 2013 is your year too! happy new year!


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