Sunday Thoughts!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's Sunday and I'm already dreading this week. That's not good! 
Hopefully, everything will work out and I'll get all my stuff turned in on time.

This time last semester I was struggling BIG TIME! It was awful. So thankful that season of my life is OVER! 

I'll blog about the weekend tomorrow. Until. Then.

Goodnight! :)
Isn't this quote perfect for me right now!

If the world is cold – make it your business to build fires… | Lucky Optimist

OH! and... Happy Birthday to the best, most fun, cutest, little Maroon and White yelling, stinkin' Bulldog fan cousin, Tyler Patrick!
I.cant. believe. how. old. you. are.  :(

I love you to the moon! :)

I remember the day you were born. My mama woke me up the next day and told me your sweet name and how much you weighed. I was in love and I haven't even met you yet. I had been the baby for.. well forever, and I wouldn't pass that title down to anyone but YOU! 
(Your daddy better let you read this blog) haha.
Love you sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. I finally got to let Tyler read your blog post. He got a big grin on his face and thought it was really cool! Thanks for thinking of him on his special day.

    Love you, Honey!

    - Your big, stinkin', Bulldog fan Cousin


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